Праздничный концерт малышей садика садика Марины Липовецкой Sunshine International Learning Center
Media Category: Children
2021-11-15 Русский Даллас 2021 – подарки от Деда мороза малышам садика Марины Липовецкой (69)
Русский Даллас 2021: подарки от Деда мороза малышам садика Марины Липовецкой
2017-01-07 Russian4Children-DFW – Jinn Leaves the Lamp for Christmas. Photo Serge Taran, The Dallas Telegraph (278)
Russian4Children Chritmas Tree Fellowship With Ded Moroz
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (199)_600
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (173)_600
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (157)_600
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (154)_600
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (120)_600
Русская школа в Далласе
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (50)_600
2016-12-24 Little Chrismas Tree of Russian4Children-DFW by The Dallas Telegraph, Serge Taran (25)_600
Russian School of Dallas
Russian School of Dallas