Coronavirus — January 28th, 2020 Facts

▶️ The death toll from the outbreak has now topped 100, with more than 4,500 cases in mainland China. Between Sunday and Monday, there was a 65% jump in the number of reported cases in mainland China, from around 2,700 to over 4,500.

▶️ Chinese President Xi Jinping said the coronavirus epidemic is a “demon” that will not be allowed to hide.

▶️ U.S. consulate staffers and other Americans in Wuhan will be evacuated to California on Wednesday as the death toll rose to 106 from a new virus racing through China.

▶️ As the coronavirus continues to spread, the U.S. is reportedly planning to boost staff at almost two dozen airports in an effort to screen nearly all passengers traveling from China.

▶️ Close to 1,000 Americans stuck in China’s coronavirus epicenter

▶️ Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb on Tuesday said he’s worried that coronavirus cases in China are actually much higher than the official numbers. “I think we are dramatically underestimating” cases in China by “tens of thousands,” Gottlieb told CNBC”.

▶️ The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gives $10 million to fight virus. Half the money will be given to Chinese groups to help them in containment efforts.

▶️ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and US State Department expanded their travel advisories to cover all of China due to the coronavirus outbreak. The CDC issued a Level 3 travel warning, its highest level, recommending travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China.

▶️ Facebook has told employees to stay out of China amid the coronavirus outbreak as the feds warned Americans to rethink their travel plans to that country. The company also said employees who had visited China — where the Facebook website is blocked — should work from home.

▶️ Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam said Tuesday that the government will “temporarily” close some of its borders with mainland China and travel permits to mainland Chinese tourists will stop being issued.

▶️ U.S. health officials said on Monday that there is no evidence to support the transmission of the new coronavirus through imported goods.

Photo by Hector Retamal

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