Ирна М.: Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста, кто нибудь знает русско-говорящего врача гинеколога? Заранее спасибо. Света Б.: Если английский не ваш родной язык, вам больница обязана найти кого-то, кто говорит на на вашем родном языке. Сергей К.: Ближайший – где-то в Хьюстоне. Мы пытались найти в Далласе и окрестностях, но без успеха. Ответ The Dallas […]
Tag: russian bania dallas
Russian Stores in Dallas and Fort Worth Area
Russian newspaper of North Texas “Dallas Telegraph” responds daily to hundreds of emails not only from our Russian Community of Dallas, but from our “American husbands-Russian wives” group of readers. American husbands call or write “Dallas Telegraph”, when they want o to make surprise to new brides from Russia. They ask often: “Where I can buy Russian food in Dallas?” or “Where I can find Russian Stores in Dallas or DFW?” or “Where I can buy Russian Caviar in Dallas?” We have […]
The Russian Banya
A popular tradition in the Russian culture is the bathhouse or Russian banya (Russian bania). It involves steam, high heat, cold, and an invigorating beating with birch leaves and branches. The locations of the original type banyas are not easily found by foreigners, but placing a visit to a banya […]